Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Keep going and get ready!

Your time is coming!  One day you will receive and achieve your highest and best but right now your task is to be vigilant in your journey and determined to get your strategy right. Stay strong and faithful in your heart as you keep your focus, step up and match your challenges and continue to give your best daily.  Sometimes we feel uncomfortable with the process but I want you to know that it is getting you prepared; prepared to shine brightly and be noticed.

 When you are faithful in the small tasks in your life, you are setting the scene for yourself to be prepared for the larger responsibilities that will soon be presented to you.  Your greatest time is coming.  Celebrate in your heart and believe that you are getting ready for all that you have craved to experience into your life.

You will never receive the best results without the preparation.
You may think you are ready but your Creator has a bigger and better plan for you and is readying you to receive your highest and best.  Don’t get discouraged!  Don’t give up!  Your greatness may not be realized today; instead believe that you are being prepared to reach your highest potential as you continually empower yourself with a positive mental attitude.  The Infinite Intelligence will propel you into the greatness of your destiny when you are truly ready. If, however, you decide it is too difficult and you give up, you will never reach your highest potential.

When you put your trust in your Creator, he will most definitely promote you in ways you have never dreamt about.  It is your responsibility to continually empower yourself in order for you to experience your highest and best good.  Your main task right now is to watch where you are placing your energy, your thoughts.  Keep your focus on your end goal and keep going.  During the learning process and your growth and development, you are growing deep roots that will help sustain you during challenging times.  You are beginning to strengthen your foundation as you are building your platform from which you will propel towards you desired outcome.  Yes, you will absolutely reach your highest potential when you are ready to do all that is needed and expected of you.  Your Creator is in control; believe that He is more than capable to take you by the hand and direct you during your journey. 

Don’t get discouraged by the process and don’t run away from it.
If you are not willing to go through the process, you will never see the glory. Don’t you realize that you have come too far to quit?  Everything that you are experiencing now is only temporary and only a part of the process.  Don’t fall into doubt or self-pity!  Your breakthrough is coming.  The light is getting brighter and stronger and soon you will reach your highest potential because your time is right in front of you.  Continue to empower yourself by keeping your faith strong, trust in the power of your Creator and believe that He has your best interest in mind.  You are most definitely being refined and prepared for all your doors to be opened just for you.  

Services and products by Joan Marie Ambrose

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Be in gratitude

Too often I have found that some people only see the dark and challenging times in life.  They fail to be flexible or even open to new possibilities or change.  We cannot grow without growing pains and we cannot change or improve our quality of lives when we keep our eyes only focused on resentment, anger and hate.  There is a force out in the world today that would like to destroy and force people to become nothing more than puppets.  They want to control the masses, dictate live the way they perceive it and rule as if their way was the only way. 

We, as free-thinking beings were born to use our mind, bodies and spirit for our highest and best good.  We were given the gift of free will.  That gift can only work when we use it to produce experiences that will allow us to grow, think and become richly empowered to fulfill our wildest dreams.  

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, may I encourage you to think about all those things or opportunities that will allow you to harvest great abundance in and for your life.  Be appreciative for your good health, for a warm home to live in, for the food on your table, for family and friends and for the freedom to smile, laugh and feel joy.  We all have something in our lives that we can smile about.  Stop moving into negativity and start changing your mental outlook to one of positivity.  We become what we think about all day long.  You can empower yourself if you really want too.  It doesn’t require money it requires you first to improve your thoughts, improve your attitude, your behavior and then your environment.  Life is a process and you are a part of that process.  It is a combination of numerous small steps that will lead you in the right direction of your dreams.  Be in gratitude each step of the way and watch your entire psychology change for the better. 

Services and products by Joan Marie Ambrose

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Protect your mind!

If you are a seeker of inner peace, you must protect your mind and keep it free from stress and anxiety.  We were not designed to be in stress and tension all the time, yet, too often, we all seem to live our lives that way.  It is easy to live in a state of worry and definitely more challenging to pay attention to protecting our minds so we can live in a peaceful state.  Yet like everything else in life, if you desire to enjoy your time on Earth in good health, you need to pay attention to where you are placing your energy.

Chaos is always around us but it doesn't need to be internalized so that it lives inside of you.  The ideal state for good health and prosperity is to live in a state of inner peace.  Worry is a thief.  It will rob you of your state of mind and inner peace while peace, on the other hand, allows you to maintain a right perspective.

For example, if you worry about your health all day long, you are placing your sickness or problems up front as your leader and controller.  Next time you catch yourself worrying, make a conscious effort to change your thoughts.  Let the worry remind you to switch gears; guard your mind and replace all worry and fear with peace and joy.  Tell your mind that you have turned over a new leaf and are choosing to allow your God to take all your troubles and worry and bring you back into a state of good health and peace of mind.  Maybe it is time for you to place all of your faith and trust in your Creator?

Living a stressful and worrisome life will only move you closer to a life of pain, suffering and deterioration.  Stress can kill!  Worry will weaken and destroy!  Sickness and disease are the end results of those conditions and negative thoughts.  You can heal your life when you are conscious of where you are placing your focus.  Stay in peace and don't let worry rob you or your quality of life.  If you want to heal your life, you must put a stop to worry once and for all.  It is time for you to move into a place of inner peace because it is only in that state that you will be in a position to manifest all that you need to heal your life.

Services and products by Joan Marie Ambrose

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Are you stuck in your thinking?

You can rise out of lack and struggle if you decide to move out of your limited thinking and stand tall and believe that you absolutely have a bright future.

 No one can keep you from rising higher if you refuse to listen to their doubtful and complacent words, their voices and their beliefs.  Don't settle for a life of less and mediocrity; instead believe that there is a wonderful power within your mind, body and spirit that is ready to help you reach your highest potential

You were absolutely born to make a difference!  Why can't you have an exceptional life and fulfill your dreams?  If you want to change your life you will need to empower yourself!  Reach out and grab onto that dream that will rise you up as it allows you to stretch your thinking and fill your heart with a strong desire to strive, get creative and take the right steps to lead you towards your success.

 Don't allow anger to destroy your life or your thinking!  Don't let depression drag you down and don't let anyone or anything deprive you from fulfilling your highest potential

 Do you realize that you have a Supernatural Source and Force that is whispering words of encouragement to you?  Believe that you have the power to overcome all negativity because you do!   If you say that you want to empower yourself, then one of the first things you need to do is remove your poisonous mindset and replace it with a positive mental attitude.  You must put a stop to your anger, your regret, and your negative mindset, and in fact, to all the dysfunction that has been a part of your past.  Change your attitude and your behavior.  Don't let a critical attitude keep you in a lack mentality and poverty mindset.  Get rid of your limiting thinking and believe that with the power of your Infinite Intelligence, you can achieve all that you desire and reach your highest potential

 Regrets, guilt and a negative mind mixed with a victim attitude will create a downtrodden life and environment.  Don't let any negativity sour your life, instead, start to wake up to all your new opportunities that are sitting right in front of you.  It's your time to let go of what no longer serves you and become a difference maker! You were born with the power within you, you are stronger than you think, so go out and empower yourself by changing your attitude into a positive mental mindset. Change your environment so you are surrounded by thoughts that encourage and support your ideas and beliefs and take the right action steps that will move you in the right direction. 
 This is your time to take a stand and get rid of all negative things that are holding you back.  Stand tall, rise up and declare that you will no longer allow limiting thinking into your mind, heart and spirit.  With the power of your God on your side, nothing can stop you from achieving your success.  

Services and products by Joan Marie Ambrose